Today is National Mourning Day
Stigmatized days in the history of Bengalis * The program will be celebrated following the hygiene rules!
Today is the mourning 15th August National Mourning Day. Day of mourning of the Bengali nation. The stigmatized black days of history. This infamous chapter took place on the night of August 15, 1975. On this day 45 years ago, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the architect of independent Bangladesh, was assassinated along with his family by a power-hungry vicious mahal. This cruel incident of history took place when the great hero of the liberation of Bengalis wanted to ensure the reconstruction and economic liberation of the country from its wounded condition at the end of the freedom struggle. In the description of that cruel incident, the poet Rafiq Azad wrote in his poem 'This staircase' - 'The staircase has broken and blood has flowed down- / In the land of dreams / In the field of green grain / Amal blood has flowed in the Bay of Bengal.'
On that day, the assassins not only killed Bangabandhu, but also Bangabandhu's wife Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib, Bangabandhu's son Sheikh Kamal, Sheikh Jamal and child Sheikh Russell, daughter-in-law Sultana Kamal and Rosie Jamal. Bangabandhu's younger brother Sheikh Nasser, brother-in-law Abdur Rob Serniabat, his son Arif and daughter Baby, Sukant Babu, Bangabandhu's nephew youth leader and liberation war organizer Sheikh Fazlul Haque Moni, his pregnant wife Arju Moni and Abdul Naeem Khan along with Abdul Naeem Khan could not escape from this heinous murder of the world. 17 members of the family and relatives. At that time Bangabandhu's two daughters Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana survived as they were abroad.
Every year the day comes with a sigh of grief and sorrow in the heart of Bengalis. The whole nation remembers the best child with deep grief and respect. This year, even in the face of the coronavirus epidemic, various social, cultural and political organizations, including the Awami League and allied organizations, have been carrying out various programs since the first day of August, keeping National Mourning Day in mind.
Today, the National Day of Mourning will be observed with due dignity and solemnity. Various programs have been taken at government and private levels. Besides, various political and social organizations including Awami League have taken various programs. President on the occasion of National Mourning Day. In separate messages, Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina prayed for the forgiveness of the souls of all the martyrs of August 15, including Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Following the National Mourning Day program following the health rules, the national flag will be hoisted at half-mast in government, semi-government, autonomous institutions, educational institutions and private buildings today. Wreath-laying and munajat on the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman will be held at Bangabandhu Memorial Museum No. 32, Dhanmondi at 8.30 am. Wreaths and petals will be laid at the graves of the family members and other martyrs of the Father of the Nation who were martyred on August 15 at Banani Cemetery in Dhaka at 8.30 am and Fateha recitation and munajat will be held.
Fateha recitation, wreath laying and munajat will be held at 10 am at Tungipara in Gopalganj at the tomb of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. A special prayer mahfil has also been organized at the tomb of the Father of the Nation in Tungipara. Following the social distance and hygiene rules, special munajat will be held in mosques across the country after Zohar and special prayers will be held at temples, churches, pagodas and other religious institutions at convenient times.
On the occasion of National Mourning Day, Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television will broadcast special programs. It will also publish a national daily supplement. Documentary film on Bangabandhu will be screened. Arrangements have been made to put up posters of National Mourning Day at important places including educational institutions / growth centers and to promote them through LED boards. Besides, the Department of Posts and Telecommunications will send a text message to all mobile subscribers through the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission mentioning the significance of the National Mourning Day. Various ministries, departments and agencies have formulated their respective programs in line with the National Mourning Day. Discussion meetings and prayer mahfils have been organized at the district and upazila level to observe the National Mourning Day with due dignity, following social distance and hygiene rules. The national flag will be kept at half-mast at Bangladesh missions abroad and discussion meetings will be held.
The program of the Awami League on the National Day of Mourning includes hoisting of national and party flags at half-mast and hoisting of black flags at all levels of the organization across the country including Bangabandhu Bhaban and central office as soon as the sun rises. Wreaths were laid on the portrait of Bangabandhu at Bangabandhu Bhaban premises in Dhanmondi at 9 am. Tribute to the martyrs of August 15, visit to the shrine, recitation of Fateha, munajat and milad mahfil at Banani Cemetery at 10 am. At the same time, tributes, Fateha recitation, Milad and prayer mahfil will be held at the tomb of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Tungipara. Apart from Johar, prayers and milad mahfils will be held in all mosques of the country and special prayers will be held in temples, pagodas, churches and places of worship at convenient times. At noon, food will be distributed among the indigent, orphans and distressed people.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born on 17 March 1920 in Tungipara, Gopalganj subdivision of the then greater Faridpur district. He got involved in politics as a student. He was a struggling leader in the Bayanna language movement. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the framer of the 6-point Charter of Liberation of the Bengali Nation. Participating in the elections of 1970, Bangabandhu made the Awami League a symbol of hope and aspiration of the people of this country. He became a pioneer of Bengali nationalism in the sixties by building a democratic movement against the military junta of Pakistan. On March 7, 1971, in the turbulent sea of millions of people at the then Race Course Ground in Dhaka, Bangabandhu proclaimed, "This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom." Snatched the independence of the country. Independent Bangladesh is the immortal glory of Bangabandhu.
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