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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to inaugurate a roadshow in the United Kingdom (UK) on Thursday,11 Nov2021 to attract more foreign direct investment in Bangladesh, reports BSS.
Recently when Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was in London and She inaugurated a road show in Bangladesh to increase foreign investment and also She addressed a gathering of expatriate Bengalis and businessmen in the United Kingdom then the Prime Minister said, "Bangladesh has a wonderful investment-friendly environment." But suddenly the price of diesel and kerosene was increased. It was said that this was done to increase the price of fuel in the international market. Good thing. So, why was the price not increased before the Prime Minister's visit to the UK? Or if the Prime Minister returned to the country then increased the price may be not well ? I asked this question because I have doubts about whether this incident is a coincidence or sabotage. When the Prime Minister is doing a road show to increase investment in Bangladesh, then Bangladesh is useless! Public transport closed. Chittagong port closed. Stopped transport of goods. Launch off. Encouraged by the Prime Minister's speech, those who will go to Bangladesh, what message will they get immediately? They knew it was possible to strike here. Goods are stuck at Chittagong port. According to BPC, the price hike could have been done even after six months. So why this rush? Why the price increase proposal was not sent to the Energy Regulatory Commission? Why price increase without public hearing? Why during the Prime Minister's visit abroad? Is it to thwart his call?
In the wake of the Telesmati scandal over diesel and kerosene price hikes in the absence of the Prime Minister, I think a strong section within the government is working against the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is working hard to take Bangladesh forward. His enemies also admit this. Under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has reached a unique height. It was on this day that the Prime Minister was considered as one of the most inspiring and influential leaders in the world at the climate conference COP-28. Sheikh Hasina's contribution is that Bangladesh is now free from hunger and poverty. But the achievement of Sheikh Hasina, as if a quarter is working to destroy her dreams. And that mahal is not another political party, it is visible within the government itself. Sheikh Hasina's political philosophy and development strategy is very clear and transparent. He cherished and cherished the ideals of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu. He wants to realize Bangabandhu's dreams. This is his politics. Bangabandhu's dream is also very simple and straightforward. Putting a smile on the face of a sad person is the lifelong dream of the father of the nation. For this he has spent years in prison.
Endured oppression, torture. The main point of Bangabandhu's politics was that people cannot be harmed. All his life he was on the side of the people. So is Sheikh Hasina. The main theme of his politics is the welfare of the people and the power of the people. But what part of the government did with the price hike of diesel and kerosene was a crushing blow. Cheating with people. Those who did it are a syndicate. The influential people of the government have open and secret love affair with this syndicate. These are the opponents of Bangabandhu and Sheikh Hasina. What happened with the increase in diesel price in Bangladesh is terrible. First, the Minister of State for Energy informed about the price increase in the international market. Then what an important minister said is like a flash in the pan. According to him, diesel is smuggled to India as the price of diesel is low in our country. So our border guards failed? Law enforcement agencies unable to prevent trafficking? The government's job is to stop trafficking. The price increase to prevent trafficking is like selling jewelry for fear of thieves. Only our ministers can make such irresponsible remarks. Will the minister say tomorrow - don't drive because of an accident on the road? What kind of argument will be given after a few days - the street is snatched so do not leave the house? The incident does not end here, the fact that the diesel price hike is a conspiracy with Sheikh Hasina became clear in the aftermath. With the announcement of price hike, various owners' associations including transport owners, covered van owners, etc. went on strike simultaneously. Ministers are impassive! The people were taken hostage. We all know who the leaders of these owners' associations are. These owners' associations are government-blessed organizations. When the party is in power, these associations work in obedience to that party. An Awami League presidium member and MP is the godfather of the transport sector. At his behest, the owners and workers drink water in one ghat. That is, a part of the government took the people hostage. Friday, November 5. 18 admission and recruitment examinations simultaneously across the country. Public transport is closed. The job of some ministers is just to talk. Their words are so harsh and annoying that even the workers of Awami League nowadays pay attention to their words. Byss, Bakaullah went to Bake. The leaders of the owners' association smiled and said, "Be careful, be careful!" They know all these things. The owner's demand was accepted as usual. Whose government is the representative of the people or the owner? There are some essentials which cause chain reaction in the market when prices go up. As a result of the increase in the price of diesel, the fare of public transport increased. That wave hit the raw market. It is as if a Harilut game is going on with the price of goods. Prices of rice from vegetables, onions and green chillies are rising uncontrollably. There is no one to watch the market. The increase in the price of diesel made the fire worse. Since the time of Corona, middle class and low income people have been in dire straits. Is this activity to create public dissatisfaction by increasing the price of diesel at this time? Why are the owners being given the opportunity to take people hostage? Awami League is in power for three consecutive terms. Political opponents are always told that the government is strong. The government has huge public support. The power of the government is visible outside the house. But why is a government in the third term with such a huge majority so helpless to some syndicates? Not only the increase in diesel price, but in recent times we have noticed that it has become a habit of the Awami League and a section of the government to do the opposite of what the Prime Minister has said and instructed. They seem to be the main opponents of Sheikh Hasina. Let's talk about communal violence. What happened at Durga festival is unacceptable. The Prime Minister always spoke of communal harmony, saying that no other Prime Minister has done what Sheikh Hasina has done for the minorities in Bangladesh. But the administration of the government is desperate to tarnish this achievement of Sheikh Hasina. Every year during the Durgotsab, security is maintained at three levels in the puja mandapa. Why not keep it? After the incident in Comilla, the government woke up too late, why? Why is the administration so indifferent and indifferent everywhere? What did the intelligence agencies do? The father of the nation has nurtured non-communal consciousness throughout his life. Sheikh Hasina did the same. But how many ministers, bureaucrats and administration of his government have this consciousness? The administration is now full of idiots. Because of these, communal power is rising. Is what the foreign minister has said about communal violence consistent with the Awami League's ideology? In 50 years under the leadership of this Foreign Minister, Bangladesh has got a new friend, his name is Pakistan. An influential section of the government seems to be desperate for a romance with Pakistan. Pakistan does not owe money. There is no monitoring of Pakistan's conspiracy in Bangladesh. The old love for Pakistan seems to have overflowed. Opponents of Sheikh Hasina are those inside the government who are desperate to improve relations with Pakistan.
Shameless oil rubbing competition is going on in Bangladesh now. Sheikh Hasina does not have any title which has not been tried. In his praise, the ministers and bureaucrats frowned. But in reality he works contrary to his principles and ideals. Sheikh Hasina has said that people cannot be harmed. The only job of a part of the government is to hurt the people in any way. There are many examples of his coronation. Bizarre decisions like running a garment, stopping public transport or running half a car are just to hurt the people. Sheikh Hasina said, corruption cannot be done. In reality, there is a silent competition for corruption. 17 files of the Ministry of Health have disappeared. I saw it for a day or two, now it is closed. It is the responsibility of the bureaucrats to protect the files, but it is a drama to show the people by dragging the peon-doormen. It has been three months since Sheikh Hasina demanded an account of the assets of government officials and employees. To cover it up, bureaucrats are now paying more attention to flattery. Many people try to say at different times, Sheikh Hasina is what she wants. That's not right. A part of the government and the administration are working against Sheikh Hasina's many aspirations. If the administration had understood Sheikh Hasina's aspirations, it would not have increased the price of diesel in this way, thus the puja mandapa would not have been attacked. Thus, the theft of files was not covered up. The only strength of Sheikh Hasina is the people. Opponents fear Sheikh Hasina's popularity. A section within the government is now conspiring to question Sheikh Hasina. There is a conspiracy going on to ruin his popularity. That is why it is spread in the market - nothing happens without the decision of Sheikh Hasina. Ministers bribe Sheikh Hasina's decision? Bureaucrats tell the Prime Minister to build a house in Begampara? A devastating game is going on silently behind the curtain. In this game, the close relatives of Sheikh Hasina are being removed. Believers in the spirit of honest, competent, liberation war are being hidden in the administration. Sheikh Hasina is surrounded by a flattering circle like an air bubble. Why only the government, a part of the Awami League seems to be running in the opposite direction of Sheikh Hasina. In the last five years, even though she is not the president of Awami League, she has given instructions 50 times to stop infiltration in Awami League. But the party leaders are following the instructions? Sheikh Hasina has said that rebel candidates cannot be given. After this statement, the ministers and MPs are giving rebel candidates with double enthusiasm. Awami League's opponents in the Union Parishad elections are now Awami League rebels. They are fighting. Killing. The Awami League does not need an enemy outside. The main enemy of Awami League is now Awami League. Sheikh Hasina said, politics is not about giving up, it is about enjoying. He does what he says. Has been leading the team for 40 years. Has been the Prime Minister for about 17 years. He did not have any stigma on him. Even her worst enemy cannot question Sheikh Hasina's honesty. But in Sheikh Hasina's Awami League ward leader's house there is a mint! Are those who have built a mountain of illegal assets in the Awami League in the last 13 years followers of Sheikh Hasina? Whenever Sheikh Hasina started a cleansing campaign in the party, the BNP-Jamaat jujur was threatened. Awami League leaders scolded the BNP like a broken record. He also slandered that BNP is conspiring. Some Awami League leaders are trying to hide their misdeeds by showing war with a shadow called BNP. These are the opponents of Sheikh Hasina.
Occasionally scenes from before '75 come to mind. The murderous Mushtaqs were siding with the party and the government by showing the Jasad as the front opponent. Attempts were made to create public discontent against the Bangabandhu government through artificial famine, fire in jute warehouses and terrorist activities. By doing all this, the outstanding contribution of the father of the nation in post-war Bangladesh was hidden from public view. People were not allowed to understand how Bangabandhu was building the country from scratch. Jasad was fielded as an opponent of Awami League. There was a lot of chaos. This is exactly what happened on August 15, 1975. Tajuddin Ahmad fell from the center of power. The conspirators surrounded Bangabandhu. In the party and in the government. Are we facing such a situation? Large scale development works like Padma Bridge, Metro Rail, Karnafuli Tunnel are going on in Bangladesh. The people of this country will get the benefits of all this. Bangladesh will change. Before that, a situation is being created in the country where the construction of the Padma Bridge is killing people's emotions but the people are angry over the increase in the price of onion. People are worried about the increase in the price of diesel rather than the benefits of Metrorail. Is the evil power lurking in the administration conspiring to pay homage to the Prime Minister?
There is only one reason for my concern. Bangladesh's development progress and Sheikh Hasina are now synonymous. Without Sheikh Hasina, the future of this Bangladesh is full of uncertainty. So who is the real opponent of Sheikh Hasina, it has to be identified now. Because the enemy of the house is more terrible than the enemy outside!
Edited in
English by:
MD Zahirul
Haque,AI News Correspondent and Freelance Journalist
Source: Bangladesh Protidin
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