Sunday, March 15, 2020

Corona epidemic declaration, Everyone should be alert and aware


The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared coronavirus a global pandemic. The WHO announced the death toll of around 160 thousand people in at least 136 countries in the world, and the death toll of around 6500 people.
It is important to note that when a disease does not get stuck in one small place and spreads to many places and causes many deaths, it is called pandemic.
It is normal to declare an epidemic in the way that the coronavirus has spread to the country and cause many deaths. On January 30 this year, the WHO issued a warning about coronavirus.
They warned the whole world about the virus. It was not until a month and a half before the disease became a pandemic that the data became alarming. But we think there is no reason to panic. Many more serious diseases have taken the form of epidemics on earth at various times and caused the death of numerous people. In comparison, the death rate for coronavirus is negligible.
However, countries where the disease is more prevalent and mortality rates, special precautions must be taken. Already they have taken that action. In fact, all countries need to take careful action. Hopefully, the prevalence of the disease is still relatively low in South Asia, including Bangladesh. Nevertheless, we also have to make the best possible efforts to address the coronavirus.
What is of concern is that the coronavirus has a major impact on the global economy, education, tourism, etc., which we are not exempt from. If a negative situation is created in one country in the present world, it has the same effect in other countries. The same has happened with coronavirus.

Everyone has to think about how to deal with this situation. We do not know how long the disease will be prevalent in the world, when the situation will improve. If the epidemic of coronavirus is prolonged, its effects will be far-reaching. Trade with one country to another will collapse. People will not be able to go abroad even if urgent. The gates of the world will be closed. It is also scary to imagine such a situation in the present age.

We expect the world to pass this situation quickly. Everywhere will return to normalcy. Naturally, people with coronavirus have been diagnosed with some kind of panic or fear. We think that if people are aware and alert, there is nothing to panic about. On the contrary, the situation is likely to worsen if people are terrorized.

Since the disease has become fatal, we must be especially careful. However, we believe that if proper preparations are taken to prevent coronavirus, there will be no cause for public outcry. The faster the world gets rid of the horrors of the disease, the better.

Written and edited by:
Md Zahirul Haque,
AI News Correspondent and Freelance Journalist

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