Saturday, March 14, 2020

Globalization of Corona Virus!

Today a very small virus is devouring the entire humanity. Except for the only unmanned Antarctica, it has spread freely throughout the rest of the continent.

The situation is so dire that the World Health Organization has declared it a 'global epidemic'.

So long the word 'pestilence' has been used for some reason. Today, the magnitude of the epidemic is going to be realized. In the past no one has seen such a situation. The rich, the poor, the educated, the uneducated, the white-black-brown, the Hindu-Muslim-Buddhist-Christian-Jewish, are not immune to this attack.

Billions of people have been voluntarily detained. Numerous countries have alienated themselves from the world. The virus has stopped trading, shutting down the educational institutions, shutting down the sports, collapsing the economy, stagnating the stock market. If this situation continues, there will soon be dire crises from food to medicines, medicine, routine use.

In today's society there is a lot of humiliation. People around want to live with a lot of anxiety, anxiety, acuity. Death strikes door to door. From celebrities like Justin Dow, Nadine Doris, Peter Dutton, Tom Hanks, Cristiano Ronaldo to the most marginalized, he has kept himself isolated and the list is getting longer. Everyone is terrified. The bravery of religion, caste, caste, arrogance of wealth, wealth, the boast of power - a small virus has brought the entire world into a monopoly today by mixing everything to the ground. Sometimes bad times bring people to the same position.

Thousands of innocent human children are drowning in the sea as migrants; Land is being destroyed by missiles; Nuclear bombs power states to play power; Millions of people are being forced to abandon Vitaema in the wake of religious minorities; Militants or terrorists are being created in the name of religion, who are killing people indiscriminately. But how helpless everyone is to one virus!

The virus is changing its form momentarily; Becoming more aggressive, more intimidating. Scientists are struggling to determine its dynamics. Canadian epidemiologist and emergency health expert, using all the technology of modern science. A team of scientists led by Bruce Aylward is battling for life's risks in order to save human civilization from the new virus, to sustain the future world.

We look forward to hearing that joy. The joyous, invisible discovery of Covid-8 can be heard from one of the labs while you are waiting! It can be an antidote to change the appearance of the world, which is the most time-consuming metaphor; Many are very valuable.
This is a good time to make a decision. Whether we stop violence, hatred, harassment, murder; Whether to end the war in the country to sustain the arms trade; Whether to stop killing people with nuclear bombs; Whether to stop the conspiracy to deport the oppressed by creating religious divisions; In the name of religion, whether I should stop killing people in the name of caste.

There is no melody anywhere. There are no bells, everything is silent. The places of prayer are empty today.

But surely this situation will be overcome by our dear daughter (earth). The people of the world will rise again, the economy will move, the stock markets around the world will turn around. The lives of people will become confused. It's time to realize.
In order to survive on this planet, all the egotism has to be crushed and the welfare of the people must be fulfilled. As a global human being, the whole world needs to be loved. Globalization of coronavirus taught us that.

Written & Edited by :
Md Zahrul Haque,
AI News Correspondent and Freelance Journalist

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